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Dried Oyster Mushroom Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

  Dried Oyster Mushrooms Description/Taste Dried Oyster mushrooms are generally small, averaging 2 to 5 centimeters in diameter, and are comprised of flat, shriveled, wrinkled, and slightly curled caps with little to no stems. Some Dried Oyster mushrooms are also cut and dehydrated into pieces, creating a mixture of different shapes and sizes. When dried, the mushrooms are brittle, delicate, and slightly leathery, appearing in light brown to pale grey shades. Underneath the cap, dried gills extend the length of the mushroom cap and are tightly compressed. Dried Oyster mushrooms need to be reconstituted before use, and when rehydrated, the mushrooms are mild, sweet, and earthy with a slightly chewy, tender, and meaty texture. Seasons/Availability Dried Oyster mushrooms are available year-round. Current Facts Oyster mushrooms, botanically classified as Pleurotus ostreatus, are a common wild and cultivated mushroom belonging to the Pleurotaceae family. The mushrooms are highly favored for

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